Ready to be part of enhancing & promoting downtown Cuyahoga Falls?

We'd love to have your help volunteering at events or ASSISTING WITH CURRENT PROJECTS & INITIATIVES! 


We are a community based organization. What does that mean? We need people like YOU to help us make an impact within our downtown community. If you have ever wanted to be part of your community and make a difference/put your mark on downtown Cuyahoga Falls, this is for you! Committee meetings are held for an hour every month with an average of 2-4 hours per month commitment total (range is negotiable). We are looking for people with a variety of resources, skill sets, passions, and personalities. 

Promotion & Design - how we look, grow, connect + showcase

Events & Fundraising- how others experience + alternative funding opportunities

Member & Community Vitality - how we advocate, enhance + add value in DTCF 

Executive - how we are successful internally {board level only - President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer}

Interested? Click the link below for more information on each committee and when/where we meet each month. We welcome you to learn more about our organization, mission, and current initiatives + areas of need!


Events & Beautification 

We also need volunteers at our events, assisting with planter maintenance, and beautification efforts downtown. Without these extra set of hands, none of our initiatives are possible! Fundraising is crucial to our survival as an organization and without help, we would not host successful events for our community to enjoy. It's a great way to meet fellow residents and have fun. Thank you for considering!

Additional sign ups as we assess our needs as an organization will be posted throughout the year. THANK YOU!


Email us at to learn how you can be involved!


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